Thursday, June 4, 2009

sort-of almost done

Last weekend we had to move out of our duplex, and so we piled all of our stuff into the basement and garage of the new house.  We are living at Matt & Dave's, it's cramped and less than ideal, but we are lucky to have such nice friends.  This weekend, we'll be able to really move in to the new house!  There are still bits and pieces to be finished, many of them little things we thought we would do on our own.  I think we'll slowly work on them, we will need some time to recoup from the last few weeks.  The good news is Steph and Matt get here next Tuesday so we can break the place in all together.  I can't wait!


Amy P said...

oh,'s beautiful!! I am so excited for you! I can't wait to come visit.

amada said...

looks awesome! i wanna come stay there!

erinjohn said...! i have a crush on your kitchen and your washer/dryer! can't wait for a roadtrip :)